The one-day-seminar is an intensive, one time only 1:1 session, preferably in my practice, but also at a place of your choice or online.
What happens in the one-day-seminar?
Preparation is an emotional resume that you write at home with the help of a digital template and bring to the workshop.
It contains a chronological list of the emotional down points that you can remember or that you have been told about. With the help of this framework, we go deeper into your life in the first part of the workshop and activate the subconscious to let go of everything.
With the help of Doletiontherapy®, which is a unique blend of quantum healing, systemic work, belief system work, core therapy, breath therapy and visualisation techniques, these blocking negativities are dissolved. In the process, negative experiences from the conscious past and the subconscious are made visually tangible and thus actually removable.
Level 1 covers negatively experienced periods in one's own life. In level 2 and 3, negativities from the time of one's own embryonic development and systemic/trans-generational epigenetic influences from one's own ancestral lineage are "removed" with a very effective and unique visualisation method.
It is important for me that you know that I can hold and support you emotionally on this journey. You get the space you need and the depth that is good for you. I would like to mention explicitly that (so far) there have been no retraumatisations in my therapeutic sessions. That is why I value this format so much.
Following elimination, self-love and acceptance are transformed and further resources such as trust and inner peace are integrated.
A short daily meditation reinforces the effect of the session and makes the changes in the subconscious accessible to the mind.
The seminar also includes two follow-up telephone calls of 30 minutes each.
Seminar costs:
My hourly rate for the day is 120 euros (net) per hour including catering with snacks and drinks.
Experience shows that you can plan for a length of 7-9 hours, possibly longer.
If this holistic concept appeals to you but you don't have the financial resources, please contact me - we will find a solution.
In this 8 min video I explain in detail the basic principles of Doletiontherapy® and why we can activate our self-healing powers in depth through it.
In this video I explain once again in detail the basic principles of Doletion Therapy® and why we can activate our self-healing powers in depth through it.
"If you ever wondered why your emotions sometimes don't fit to your experiences, you might have inherited those from your ancestors via a mechanisme called Epigenecity."
In this 45 mins talk about "Transgenerational Trauma Inheritance - Insight and Solutions" I am explaining the mechanisms behind that and offer solutions how to let go in a safe and traumafriendly way.
This talk was recorded during the monthly UK integral meeting. I am a regular attending member of this group, which is meeting both online and offline in London, UK.
Any questions are welcome. Please contact me!
Dr. med. vet. habil. Birgit Viertlböck
Naturopath & Coach
Debussyweg 1
80939 Munich
Telephone: +49 (0) 89 2153 0244
Mobile: +49 (0) 163 63 62 898
Copyright © Birgit Viertlböck 2023